Historical Archive
The Coronini Cronberg Historical Archive includes about 1000 files with documents dated from 1257 to 1990. A major reorganization carried out after Count Guglielmo’s death led to divide the archive into four Units based on different contents and periods:
– The Amministrazione corrente Unit hosts manuscripts, typed writings and printed documents about the management of the family heritage dating from about 40 years ago to more recent times.
– The Materiali di Studio Unit comprises documents dating from 1952 to 1990 which are strongly related to Count Guglielmo Coronini and his interests. Among them, there are printed documents, typed writings, photostat copies of documents and publications, invitations to cultural events, notes and letters about Count Guglielmo’s researches on history and art, like his major historical work Gorizia comitale or his co-operation for the exhibitions on Gorizia in the 18th Century in 1956, and the ones on Giuseppe Tominz in 1966 and Maria Theresia in 1982. The Unit also includes documents related to his activity within the heraldic and genealogical Regional Commission and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, as well as some papers about the local section of the “Italia Nostra” Association, of which Count Guglielmo was the President, and also notes, sketches and drawings.
– The Atti e documenti Unit hosts all the documents, letters, account books and deeds forming the real Coronini Cronberg historical archive which also includes archives bequeathed by other families (Rabatta, Cobenzl and Cassini) or acquired by Count Guglielmo for collecting purposes, like part of the Attems-Petzenstein and De Grazia archives or collections gathered by other academics and scholars like Gaetano Perusini and Ranieri Mario Cossàr. This archive section includes documents dating from 1257 to 1970 including a fine collection of parchments on Count Guglielmo’s unfinished project entitled Gorizia Comitale, his major historical study on Gorizia in the Middle Ages, on which he worked all life long.
These three Units are based at the State Archive of Gorizia, Via dell’Ospitale 2, and are available for consultation.
– The last Unit is the Photographic Archive which consists of about 12.000 items including photographs, negatives, plates and slides dating back to the 19th and the 20th centuries. Part of them is related to the family history, while others were ordered by Count Guglielmo for research purposes. The photographic archive has still to be reorganized and catalogued, and is held at the Coronini Foundation.