

Although the 34 weapons displayed aren’t a real collection, they are part of the rich legacy left by Count Guglielmo Coronini Cronberg and are undoubtedly of great importance: they include cold weapons, firearms and pole weapons. In addition to the family heirlooms belonging to the Coronini’s or their relatives under the Habsburg Empire, there are several exotic items as Japanese and Islamic weapons, an Indian shield and a peculiar African dagger with shells. A series of 16th century Partisan weapons as well as some valuable firearms are evidence of the great variety of this collection. Among them, some are standing out: a 17th century pistol by the renown gunsmith Lazarino Cominazzo from Brescia, a curious air rifle and, above all, the rare prototype of a rifle with 13 gun barrels, which was designed and patented by Arturo Coronini Cronberg in 1882.

  • Pistola a fucile, manifattura bresciana con canna gardonese, ultimo quarto XVII secolo, legno di noce, acciaio, inv. 110
  • Arturo Coronini, Fucile da caccia a tredici canne, Vienna, 1870 circa, legno, acciaio, cuoio, inv. 392
  • Coltello con fodero, Sudan meridionale, XIX secolo-inizio XX secolo, acciaio inciso e parzialmente dorato, cypraeae, fibra vegetale
  • Tantō in montatura dashizame aikuchi con fodero, Giappone, prima metà XIX secolo, acciaio, ferro, legno, corno, rame, pelle di razza, oro, inv. 2595
  • Yatagan-coltellaccio con fodero ), lama: Austria 1711-1718 circa; fornimento: Impero ottomano, inizio XVIII secolo, acciao osso, legno pelle, rame, ottone, inv. 2601
  • Spadino da funzionario della corte imperiale, con fodero, Austria, ultimo quarto XIX secolo, acciaio, ottone, pelle ottone, inv. 2661
  • Partigiana, Italia Settentrionale, XVI secolo, acciaio, inv. 3011/2