

The ceramics collection consists mainly of services, ornaments and objects of daily use, which the Coronini Cronberg family acquired over the last three centuries and come, above all, from Austrian and German areas. As a matter of fact, there are porcelain items from Meissen and Vienna, dating from the 18th and the 19th centuries, as well as services from Bavaria, Thuringia and Bohemia, and majolica artefacts from the Renaissance period or produced in the 18th century in Bassano. Some English ceramics, acquired in the early 20th century after Baroness Ada Löhneysen’ death, are quite notable and include Davenport, Wedgewood and Copeland pieces. There are also some oriental porcelain items from China and Japan.

  • Manifattura di Meissen, Tazze e piattini,  Germania, XIX secolo, porcellana dipinta, inv. 604
  • Manifattura di Vienna, Portavaso, Austria, XVIII secolo, porcellana smaltata e dorata, inv. 612
  • Manifattura Du Paquier, Coppia di tazze con piattino, Vienna, prima metà XVIII secolo, inv. 645
  • Charles Meight & Sons, Zuppiera, Inghilterra, 1851-1861, Stone China, inv. 646/27
  • Manifattura di Vienna, Tazza con piattino, prima metà XIX secolo, porcellana dipinta, inv. 1903
  • Manifattura di Bassano, Coppia di piatti, XVIII secolo, maiolica dipinta in policromia, inv. 4355
  • Manifattura di Bassano (?), Piatto da portata, maniolica smaltata con decorazione a tacchiolo, XVIII secolo, inv. 4359