The Dining Room
The Dining Room

The Dining Room

A large table is located at the centre of the room with majolica plates from Gien, France, decorated with the family coat of arms. On the other side of the room there is a wood and mother-of-pearl inlaid cupboard with a large oval plate and serving cutlery. On the wall there is a fine silk prayer carpet.

On the opposite wall: a large 17th century haunting scene with dogs and swans. Above the fireplace there is a copy of the painting Tax Collectors by the Flemish artist Quentin Metsys, that Guglielmo Coronini bought in Florence in 1927, and next to it, above a console table, a Portrait of a Philosopher. On the opposite side, some valuable chests of 17th century and some paintings, including the Windmills before a storm, inspired by the Dutch painter Jacob van Ruysdael (1628-1682).

  • R.&S. Garrard & Co., Centrotavola, argento fuso, sbalzato, cesellato, inciso, Londra, 1864, inv. 2950
  • Pittore olandese, Paesaggio con mulini a vento all’avvicinarsi del temporale, olio su tavola, XVII secolo, inv. 850
  • Pendola da mensola, Legno, vetro, ottone, argento, Germania, prima metà XVIII secolo, inv. 873
  • Imitatore di Quentin Metsys, Gli esattori, olio su tela, seconda metà XVI secolo, inv. 890
  • Ambito di Justus Sustermans, Ritratto di Anna di Cosimo II de’ Medici, olio su tela, 1652-1653, inv. 2102
  • Elkington & Co., Epergne, metallo argentato, inciso, cesellato, traforato, elementi a fusione, Birmingham 1885, inv. 2943